Author Guideline

Registered as author

Please note that the corresponding and all submitting authors MUST register to Al-Iftah before submitting an article. You must be logged in to your personal Al-Iftah account to submit an article.


The title is no more than 15 words in length and should be in 14 point normal Times New Roman

Author’s Affiliation

All names are listed based on the following format:

Author1, Author2, Author3 (12 pt, Centered, Capitalize Each Word, Bold)
1Affiliation, 2Affiliation, 3Affiliation (12 pt, Italic, Centered)
Email1, Email2, Email3 (12 pt, Centered)


The abstract is to be in fully-justified italicized text as it is here, below the author information. Use the word “Abstract” as the title, in 12-point Times New Roman, boldface type, centered relative to the column, initially capitalized. The abstract is to be in single-spaced type. Abstract is written in one paragraph that includes four things: (1) Research purposes, (2) Method, (3) Findings/results, and (4) Recommendation. The author can also write down things that are considered very important in this abstract, while paying attention to word limit between 250-350 words.


Mention only specific concepts [word or phrase], 3-5 concepts, truly conceptual words, and not too general ones. Keywords are separated by a comma (,).


Your text is here, in 12 pt font-size Times New Roman, 1,5 line-spacing; don’t add space before and/or after paragraph. It is much better to not format your text in a specific technique, instead, just leave it plain except that you really need to type certain words in a “special method”, or to emphasize certain word or words. Italic is a must in typing non-English word. Please explore in more words the background of your paper and your current research position among other research on related themes. You should discuss here as well your research’s relations with those of other researchers; literature review, especially on most relevant, newly academic works published in high reputation journals, is a must (Chapra, 2015).

To put it another way, please try to answer at least two questions: (1) why you believe that your research question is such an important to answer; and (2) how other scholars have or have not answered, or how you think your answer would be a contribution to the existing scholarship on the subject(Wulpiah, 2016).


The research method must be clearly and appropriately conveyed and contain a research design, population, sample, data collection method, and data analysis method, written with Times New Roman 12 letter space 1,5.


Here you may discuss every aspect of the issue one by one. It is necessary to build argument and to provide original data discussed and compared to research and works of other scholars. In other words, the way to discuss an issue here is by combining the data and the discussion. So, it is not recommended to separate merely data description from the analysis on it.

The Second Aspect of the Discussion, the Style of Other References

Examples of references other than book are paper in a journal, or this journal, websites, magazines and newspapers,  reports, book chapters, a master thesis, and a PhD thesis.

Figure and Other Illustrations

If you need to include any table, figure, image, or other illustration, please provide a high resolution picture file as an attachment for your submission file. We will be very happy, however, if you can convert such illustration into narratives and do not include any picture in your paper (Alfiyah & Riyanto, 2019).


Please provide here your remarks as closing statement. It could be a final conclusion from your discussion and analysis and your recommendations for further research project.


Expect a minimum of 20 references primarily with a minimum of 60% to journal papers published within 10 Years. Every quotation is written down in a specific way that can be identified as a “quotation” different from your original text. At the end of every quotation, use Mendeley for reference management and formatting, and choose APA style.