Author Guidelines

General Formatting

  • Font and Size:
    • Title: Calibri Light, Bold, 16 pt, maximum 15 words
    • Body: Calibri Light, 12 pt
  • Margins: Normal Margin

Structure of Manuscript

Title Page

  • Title: Concise and informative, maximum 15 words.
  • Authors: Full names of authors, affiliations, and country.
  • Corresponding Author: Include correspondence email.
  • Dates: Date received, date accepted, and date published.


Length: 200-300 words.

Font: Calibri Light, 10 pt.


  • Background: The background of the research.
  • Research Objectives: The main objectives of the research.
  • Methods: The main methods used.
  • Results: The main findings of the research.
  • Conclusions: Conclusions and implications of the findings.


Format: 3-5 keywords, using lowercase letters.


The introduction should provide a clear description of the issue to be discussed in the manuscript. It should explain why the research needs to be conducted and provide adequate background to give context to the reader. Here is a structure that can be followed:

  • Describe the relevant social facts related to the research topic. This could include the social, religious, economic, political, or environmental context that drives the research.
  • Provide literature facts that show how this research relates to existing literature. Conduct a brief literature review to note existing solutions, highlight the best previous research, and show the main limitations of previous studies.
  • Clearly and specifically define the research objectives.
  • Present the research argument or hypothesis.
  • End with a comment on the significance of the identified issue and the research objectives. Explain the scientific contribution or novelty of this research.


The methods section should describe the research approach, research subjects, research procedures, use of materials and instruments, as well as data collection and analysis techniques.

Results and Discussion

The results and discussion section should include the main data and findings of the research. The discussion should analyze the findings in the context of existing literature, implications, limitations, and suggestions for further research.


The conclusion section should summarize the main findings, research objectives, and suggestions for future research or practical applications.

Acknowledgments (Optional)

In this section, authors can acknowledge significant contributions from individuals or organizations that contributed to the research and writing of the article. Acknowledgments usually include:

  • Funding Source: Mention the institution that provided funding, including the contract number if available.

    Example: "This research was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture under contract number [contract number]."

  • Institution and Colleagues: Mention the institution and individuals who contributed.

    Example: "We thank the University of Indonesia for providing research facilities and Dr. A. Budi for valuable input during the research process."

  • Research Participants: Thank the research participants if relevant.

    Example: "We thank all the participants who took the time to participate in this research."


Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam uses APA (American Psychological Association) style in the references at the end of the manuscript. Include only publications cited in the text and arrange them alphabetically. We highly recommend prioritizing the use of primary sources from recent scientific articles to ensure relevance and novelty of the information.

Examples of APA References

Smith, J. A. (2020). Educational Research: Basics and Beyond. New York, NY: Academic Press.

Chapter in an Edited Book:
Brown, L. M. (2019). Effective teaching strategies. In R. S. Jones & T. K. Reed (Eds.), Innovations in Education (pp. 45-67). Boston, MA: Education Press.

Journal Article:
Green, P., & White, D. (2021). The impact of technology on student learning outcomes. Journal of Educational Technology, 35(2), 123-135.

Online Journal Articles:
Johnson, M. A. (2022). Online learning in higher education: A review. Online Journal of Distance Education, 40(1), 56-68. Retrieved from

Unpublished Dissertation or Thesis:
Williams, K. T. (2018). The role of feedback in the learning process (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Illinois, Chicago, IL.

Government Reports:
U.S. Department of Education. (2019). Annual report on the state of education. Washington, DC: Author.

Newspaper Articles:
Lee, A. (2020, March 15). Schools adapt to online learning. The New York Times, pp. A1, A4.

Articles from Websites:
National Institute of Education. (2021). Effective teaching practices. Retrieved from

Presentations or Posters:
Kumar, S. (2020, November). Integrating technology in classrooms. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Johnson, L. (Host). (2021, October 15). The future of education [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

YouTube Video:
Education World. (2021, June 10). Innovative teaching strategies [Video]. YouTube.

Blog Post:
Martin, R. (2020, August 8). How to engage students in online learning. Education Today Blog. Retrieved from

Conference Paper:
Davis, L. (2019). The impact of collaborative learning. In Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Education (pp. 78-89). New York, NY: Education Conference Publishers.

StatSoft Inc. (2020). STATISTICA (Version 13) [Computer software]. Retrieved from

Carter, J. R. (2019). Modern approaches to education [Kindle version]. Retrieved from


  • Submission System: Submit manuscripts through the online submission system on our journal website.
  • File Types: Ensure all related files (main manuscript, tables, figures) are correctly uploaded.