Journal Description

Banco: Jurnal Manajemen dan Perbankan Syariah is an academic journal, publishing two issues per year (May and November). Banco: Jurnal Manajemen dan Perbankan Syariah is published by Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business of Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare, Indonesia. This journal seeks to provide a venue for sharing new empirical research and theoretical analysis of intersections between religion and societies.

Banco: Jurnal Manajemen dan Perbankan Syariah publishes original works contributing to scientific discussion of  Sharia Banking, Islamic Finance Management, Zakat and Wakaf Management, Hajj and Umrah Management, Business Management, and Islamic Management.

Since Vol.6 No. 2, 2024, Banco: Jurnal Manajemen dan Perbankan Syariah focused on research and articles that delve into the acculturation of Islamic culture and religion in the context of management and Islamic banking. Relevant themes include the integration of local cultural values into Islamic banking practices, the influence of Islamic culture and religion on business sustainability in Sharia management, innovation in Sharia financial products based on local wisdom, the role of Muslim leaders in building an Islamic organizational culture, and the digital transformation of Islamic banking considering the challenges and opportunities from cultural and religious perspectives.

  1. Integration of Local Cultural Values in Islamic Banking Practices: This theme explores how cultural values unique to specific regions are incorporated into the operations and services of Islamic banking institutions. Researchers may investigate how these values shape customer interactions, product development, and organizational culture.

  2. Influence of Islamic Culture and Religion on Business Sustainability in Sharia Management: Here, scholars examine the impact of Islamic principles and beliefs on the long-term viability and ethical standards of businesses operating under Sharia law. This includes studies on corporate social responsibility, ethical investment practices, and environmental sustainability initiatives within Islamic finance.

  3. Innovation in Sharia Financial Products Based on Local Wisdom: This theme focuses on the development of Sharia-compliant financial products that not only adhere to Islamic principles but also draw inspiration from local traditions and wisdom. Researchers may explore how these innovative products cater to the diverse needs of Muslim communities while respecting cultural sensitivities.

  4. Role of Muslim Leaders in Building an Islamic Organizational Culture: Scholars investigate the leadership styles and strategies employed by Muslim executives and managers to foster an organizational culture aligned with Islamic values. This includes studies on ethical decision-making, employee empowerment, and community engagement initiatives led by Islamic financial institutions.

  5. Digital Transformation in Islamic Banking: Addressing Challenges and Opportunities: Finally, this theme delves into the adoption of digital technologies in Islamic banking and finance. Researchers examine how cultural and religious factors influence the implementation of digital solutions, the accessibility of services to diverse populations, and the potential for financial inclusion in Muslim-majority countries and communities."

By exploring these themes, Banco Journal aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how Islamic culture and religion intersect with contemporary issues in management and Sharia-compliant banking, offering insights that can inform both academic discourse and industry practices


p-ISSN 2684-9534            e-ISSN 2684-8643

Vol 6 No 2 (2024): Banco: Jurnal Manajemen dan Perbankan Syariah

This edition primarily focuses on cultural adaptation in the context of Islamic banking and management, which forms the core theme of most of the published articles. Through a multidisciplinary approach, these articles explore how Sharia values and principles are applied across diverse cultural traditions and local practices.

The contributors come from five countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Philippines, and Uzbekistan. This geographical diversity reflects the global dynamics of the evolving implementation of Islamic banking and management, while offering comparative perspectives on contemporary issues such as social justice, digital technology, and efficiency in Sharia-compliant financial systems.

This edition also highlights efforts to bridge the gap between theory and practice, while supporting the development of more inclusive and context-sensitive regulations aligned with the objectives of maqashid sharia. By emphasizing local adaptation, this publication provides significant contributions to the academic literature relevant to the challenges and opportunities facing the Islamic banking sector in an increasingly globalized world.

Published: Dec 11, 2024

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