Al-Iftah: Journal of Islamic studies and society 2024-03-31T12:10:27+00:00 Fikri Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Al-</strong><strong>Iftah: Journal of Islamic studies and society</strong> is a biannual peer-reviewed international journal published in June and December by Postgraduate of the Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare, South Sulawesi - Indonesia. The journal focuses on Islamic Studies in broad context with regards but not limited to Islamic education, Islamic law, Islamic Communication, Islamic economic, Islamic philosophy. The language used in this journal are English and Arabic. This journal is published twice a year in June and December. E-ISSN 27971686</p> The Role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers Through ICT-Based Learning Media Design in Improving Student Learning Outcomes at Smpn 4 Pinrang 2024-03-29T03:11:09+00:00 Nurmiyati Latami <p>This study discusses the Role of Islamic Education Teachers through the design of ICT-Based Learning Media. This study aims to determine the use of ICT-based learning media in SMP Negeri 4 Pinrang. This study used a type of descriptive qualitative research. With a case study approach, data sources are primary data (teachers, principals, vice principals) and secondary data (documents directly to the field or carried out in the field through observation, interviews, and documentation studies, in order to obtain clear and representative data. The results of this study show, (1) Islamic Religious Education learning tools used by Islamic Religious Education Teachers at SMP Negeri 4 Pinrang are learning tools that have been integrated with the latest curriculum, namely the independent curriculum. The intended learning tool design includes learning design, which begins with learning preparation which includes syllabus, preparation of lesson plans, and also the selection of methods and strategies. The learning design consists of three parts including preliminary activities, core activities after that closing and continued assessment for students. (2) The use of Information <em>Communication and Technology</em> (ICT)-based learning media used at SMP Negeri 4 Pinrang includes the use of hardware and software. The intended use of hardware is the use of laptops / computers, smartphones, active speakers / <em>sound</em> and LCD / projectors, while the use of software is powerpoint, internet<em>, </em>web, video editing applications, and youtube. (3) Learning Outcomes Students using ICT learning media based on the results of formative and summative assessments / assessments carried out by teachers to students show effectiveness in learning that produces or shows to improve student learning outcomes.</p> 2024-03-29T02:58:25+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Iftah: Journal of Islamic studies and society The Effectiveness of Gallery Walk Strategy to Students’ Writing Skill 2024-03-31T12:10:27+00:00 Basir Nantang <p>This research is aimed to get empirical evidence on the effect of gallery walk technique on students’ writing skillt eleventh Grade of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi Kabupaten Enrekang in Academic Year 2022/2023. This research used quantitative method and the research design used is a quasi-experimental design. The population of this research is all eleventh Grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi Kabupaten Enrekang. The sample technique used purposive sampling that consist of 60 students. The samples are assigned into two groups: class VII-2 as an experimental class and VII-3 as a control class and each class consist of 30 students. The instrument of this research was written test. The result of this research was obtained from calculating the data using t-test with the significance level (α) = 0.05 and also calculated the effect size. The result showed that the mean score of post-test in experimental class is higher than control class (79&gt;65.73). Therefore, statistic hypothesis test showed that ρ-value of post-test and gained score is 0.000 &lt; sig. α = 0.05. Also, the effect size of this result is 1.53. It proved that the alternatives hypothesis (H a ) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H ) is rejected. To sum up, gallery walk technique is effective with strong level on students’ writing skill<strong>. </strong></p> 2024-03-29T02:58:49+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Iftah: Journal of Islamic studies and society The Use of Demonstration Methods to Improve The Mastery of Hajj Material for Students Class VIII MTs Al Wahid Pape Islamic Boarding School 2024-03-29T03:11:09+00:00 syarifuddin syarif <p>This study discusses the Analysis of the Use of Demonstration Methods to Increase Mastery of Hajj Materials in the Fiqih Subject for Grade VIII MTs Al Wahid Pape Islamic Boarding School, Sidrap Regency. This type of research is Classroom Action Research or Classroom Action Research (PTK). The results of this study indicate, (1) Students' understanding of Hajj material in Fiqh learning, can be seen in the learning process in cycle I, namely obtaining an average value obtained of 6.57. (2) Efforts to increase students' understanding of pilgrimage can be reached using the demonstration method. Cycle I at the beginning of the lesson begins with using audio-visual media, in cycle II using demonstration methods. (3) Increased understanding of pilgrimage by using the demonstration method, namely the acquisition of an average value in which each cycle has increased. Cycle I the average value obtained was 6.57, in cycle II it increased, namely 7.57, and experienced another increase in cycle III, namely obtaining an average value of 8.33.</p> 2024-03-29T02:59:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Iftah: Journal of Islamic studies and society Effectiveness of Legal Aid Services in Joint Property Cases in Marriage at Partner Legal Aid Institutions Madani West Sulawesi 2024-03-29T03:11:09+00:00 wawanjurnal wawan <p>This study aims to analyze the problem of free legal aid for the weak and poor. This provision is regulated in the Legal Aid Law, which is the embodiment of Article 27 paragraph (1) and article 28D paragraph (1) which shows that everyone has an equal position before the law and is entitled to legal protection. The state has juridically arranged in such a way, so that justice can be felt by all levels of society, but the application of the law is still far from justice itself. This research is empirical legal research using a sociological juridical approach, which is an approach that emphasizes research that aims to obtain legal knowledge empirically. The results showed that LBH Mitra Madani as a structural institution, has provided legal assistance in litigation and non-litigation. In addition, LBH Mitra Madani also conducts legal counseling, community organizing, and training in the field of law. However, the obstacle is the absence of financial support from the government, because LBH Mitra Madani has not been accredited. The cases that have been accompanied from 2019 to 2022 amounted to 37 cases, where the cases handled by LBH Mitra Madani were dominated by civil cases. The obstacles of LBH Mitra Madani in providing legal assistance are legal <em>substance </em>and <em>legal structure</em>. By regulation, legal assistance provided by LBH Mitra Madani to the poor should be free. However, in fact, LBH Mitra Madani still collects fees from every client who is given legal assistance, this is because LBH Mitra Madani has not received financial assistance from the Government. In addition to substantial factors that are obstacles to the effectiveness of LBH Mitra Madani in providing legal assistance are <em>legal structure factors</em>, which include law enforcement institutions (police, prosecutors, courts and advocates).</p> 2024-03-29T02:59:40+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Iftah: Journal of Islamic studies and society Reconstruction of Moral Philosophy as a Way of Salvation in the Middle of Contemporary Ethical Thought 2024-03-29T03:11:09+00:00 alfiansyahanwar Musdalifa Ibrahim <p><em>The aims of this research are (1) to know the response of moral philosophy to contemporary ethical thinking (2) to know the position and response of moral philosophy to contemporary ethical thinking (3) to know the solutions to contemporary problems. The type of research used in this research is qualitative research. This study uses a library study approach because it collects data from books, journals, the internet, or other written literature as a basis for writing. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the response of moral philosophy to contemporary ethical thinking is that the study of morality and ethics has the same goal but has differences in terms of defining its goals. Ethics as part of philosophy bases its theory on relative logic while moral philosophy bases it on transcendent revelation (2) when ethics is used as a sub of philosophy, ethical philosophy will include moral philosophy. Morals are not ethics but they both have something in common, that is, they both discuss good and bad issues. The difference is that morals are closer to manners and are applicable in nature, while ethics tend to be more philosophical (3) Solutions to contemporary problems: first, it is necessary to uphold justice as an ethical solution. Second, the need to develop a caring and responsible character. Third, the need for socialization and teaching of moral philosophy from an early age.</em></p> 2024-03-29T03:00:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Iftah: Journal of Islamic studies and society The Use of Notion Application Media in Improving Student Learning Outcomes in PAI Subjects and Class XI Ethics at SMK Negeri 1 Tutar, Polewali Mandar Regency 2024-03-29T03:11:09+00:00 Muhammad Syahrin IAIN Parepare <p>This article discusses the use of <em>the Notion</em> application media in improving student learning outcomes in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education and Ethics class XI SMK Negeri 1 Tutar. This study aims to determine whether the use of Notion application media can improve student learning outcomes in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education and Ethics class XI at SMK Negeri 1 Tutar, Polewali Mandar District. The research used is Classroom Action Research (PTK) or <em>Classroom Action Research, </em>which is &nbsp;a research model from <em>Kurt Lewin</em>, which is in the form of a spiral from the first cycle to the next cycle. Each cycle includes <em>planning</em>, <em>acting</em>, observing, and <em>reflecting</em>. The flow is: (1) problem identification, where the researcher determines the problem to be studied; (2) Planning, namely researchers prepare action plans / solutions to solve problems; (3) Implementation, namely researchers carry out actions that have been formulated in the RPP; (4) Observation, namely researchers observe the behavior of students in participating in learning activities; (5) Reflection, in which the researcher records the results of observations and evaluates the results of observations. Based on the results of this research, it is expected for teachers to be more creative in developing learning media, especially the development of notification application media.</p> 2024-03-29T03:00:32+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Iftah: Journal of Islamic studies and society