People's Perception of River Development In Cora Hamlet, Padaelo Village, Pinrang District

Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Pembangunan Sungai Di Dusun Cora Desa Padaelo Kabupaten Pinrang

  • Nurhasiibahh IAIN PAREPARE
  • Wahyuddin Bakri IAIN Parepare
Keywords: Perception, River Development, Socioeconomic Impact


This study aims to explore and analyze people's perception of the river development process in Hamlet Cora Padaelo Village, Mattiro Bulu Subdistrict of Pinrang Regency. Research methods used include surveys, insights, and data analysis to understand views of needs, as well as community reactions to river development projects.

Focus of the research is to understand the extent to which the role of community participation in the planning and implementation of such projects and the resulting social, economic, and environmental impacts can provide better insights for stakeholders in planning river development in the region, taking into account the aspirations and views of the community more comprehensively.
