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Moderasi Beragama di Tengah Pluralitas Bangsa: Tinjauan Revolusi Mental Perspektif Al-Qur’an
Corresponding Author(s) : Khalil Nurul Islam
KURIOSITAS: Media Komunikasi Sosial dan Keagamaan,
Indonesia with its diversity, including ethnicity, culture, tradition, language, to the
diversity of religions often lead to conflict due to these differences with various factors
surrounding it. Therefore, a progressive step is needed in dealing with diversity issues
that can explode at any time and cause huge losses. This study aims to get an
understanding and illustration related to the understanding of the concept of religious
moderation and the concept of religious plurality in Indonesia, as well as offering
solutions through a mental revolution that is very closely related to understanding the
concepts of religious moderation and religious plurality itself. The results of this study
indicate that religious moderation is closely related to wise attitudes towards religious
plurality who his moderation through a mental revolution. Understanding of the
concepts of religious moderation and religious plurality must be understood in depth
and then realized in the mental revolution movement so as to give birth to acts of
mutual respect and tolerance in life in the midst of diversity.
Keyword: Religious moderation, Mental revolution, Religious plurality
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